Kate Molton Award – July 2024

Managing Director Jackie Woodall presents Grace Murphy with our July Kate Molton Award.  

Lez Nortcliff, Regional Director said “since I started working with Grace, I quickly realised that she knew the schools and teams like the back of her hand.  Grace works at St John Paul MAC and understands the needs of the staff and contract and works with new ideas and changes to improve things.  Grace took to our bespoke systems and procedures well and is a big fan or our Culverdocs forms.  Grace is also not afraid to make hard decisions or go through the hardest route to achieve the results we need to be ‘infinitely better’.  Grace does not rest on her laurels for an easy working life.  Grace has a wicked sense of humour and never fails to brighten a long or hard week with a laugh along the way”.

Grace wins £100 of High Street vouchers, a smart quilted jacket, and one of our prestigious glass awards.  Congratulations Grace!  

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