Kate Molton Award – June 2024

Our June winner for the Kate Molton Award is Contract Manager, Angela Atkinson form the Ebbw Vale site in Coleg Gwent.

Toni Finn, Senior Area Manager said “Angela has worked in the college for 35 years and has been with bespoke since day one of the contract.  She is without doubt one of the best Contract Managers I have worked with.  Her paperwork and organisation skills are the best I’ve ever seen.  

Angela has now semi-retired but will not retire completely because she is that committed to her role.  She often stays over her time to carry out additional training with staff or interview candidates.  Her team have nothing but the upmost respect for her and this shows in heaps and stacks as she always gets the best out of her team.  Angela really does deserve this win!   

Karen wins £100 of High Street vouchers, a smart quilted jacket, and one of our prestigious glass awards.  Congratulations Angela!  

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