Never rest on your laurels if you want to be the best
To be the best you have to compete against the best and stay ahead of the best. At bespoke we like to think that we have achieved those goals but we never rest on our laurels and are always looking to further advance our position as an industry leader.
Innovative, forward thinking, revolutionary, visionary; words used a lot in our industry by many Companies. However, what do they really mean in practical terms and how many of those Companies implement these practises day in day out or even at all?
At bespoke we are always looking to make advancements in everything we do. Why? To become better, quicker, more efficient, more productive and more cost effective and in doing so offering our Clients real added value. Our philosophy is to look for continual improvement in everything we do and in doing so advancements will follow as a matter of cause.

Auditing & Quality Monitoring
We are not worried to benchmark our performance, we actively encourage it!
Having a clean building is great, but how do you make sure that the cleaning is consistently great throughout the life of the contract. At bespoke we audit on pre-determined intervals using both our on-site personnel and area management teams. Clients are encouraged to undertake joint audits to ensure we are both seeing the same things and to coin a phrase 'singing from the same hymn sheet'. As part of our ISO procedures we undertake scheduled monthly audits which are used as part of our service level agreements and enable us to benchmark our performance over a calendar year, every year.
bespoke were one of the first if not the first cleaning contractor to audit electronically using their own purpose built auditing system via Apple iPads. A ground-breaking system with an easy to use but advanced scoring system allowed any area to be audited from a single room to a whole building or buildings. For a more in-depth explanation of our auditing system, auditing procedures and benefits to you, contact our Sales department today.
Client Portal
Real-time viewing of documents, communication with our ActionDesk; our re-designed client portal scales new heights
We were one of the first commercial cleaning companies to use a web based Client Portal. Revolutionary and user-friendly, it was a huge success with our Clients. With our ethos of 'continual improvement', we have now completely re-designed our Client Portal, making many ground breaking advances in its capacity and functionality.
With a user-friendly platform, simple interface system and multi-faceted technology, our Client Portal now offers you a whole plethora of options from simple and organised document viewing in real time to a 2-way reporting system with our ActionDesk through our Action Log facility from anywhere via our website.
Massive benefits include the tracking of outstanding actions until completion with the facility of multi-user communication relating to any single action or multiple actions. Storing and viewing the latest version of any document whether relating to Health & Safety, training, auditing, contractual, or financial is just a click away.
For a more in-depth explanation of our Client Portal, contact our Sales department today.

Equipment, Machinery & Cleaning Systems
We are not trying to re-invent the wheel, just trying to make it turn more efficiently
When have you heard someone say, 'cleaning is just cleaning' followed by 'anyone can do it'? If it was as simple as that then we might be out of business as all Clients would have their own cleaning teams, working under their own steam to create wonderfully clean environments. Well of course, cleaning isn't just cleaning and not anyone can do it! Advancements in equipment, machinery and cleaning systems have been necessary to increase standards as labour resources diminish. Without these advancement's we would not have progressed from tin buckets and wooden handled mops.
At bespoke we're always looking at new technology, not just as a gimmick or selling point but to actually make a cleaning operation more simple, efficient and ultimately more cost-effective. That's why we are always reviewing and trialling new systems and machinery using our network of machinery supply partners and research & development contacts. Our management teams frequently attend cleaning seminars and visit the cleaning show every year looking for that 'something' to really make an impact. Why not contact our Sales department to chat about the revolutionary new systems currently in operation or under review?