
World Environment Day

June 5th 2021 is this year’s World Environment Day,  and bespoke thought we would take this opportunity to recap some of the practical steps we are taking to further improve our performance in this area.  

As well as being ISO 14001 certified, we have made a specific commitment for 2021 to be our own ‘Year of the Environment’ – current projects, controls and innovations include:

  • Our Tree Planting initiative (see April’s news post for full details)
  • All new company vehicles are Hybrid as standard, including five new leases so far this year; all electric vehicles will come online as the infrastructure available improves
  • We are currently trialling an exciting new ‘chemical-free’ cleaning system which will radically reduce the amount of cleaning products we use and make a dramatic cut to the amount of waste packaging we produce as a company – watch this space for full details!
  • Paper-free and tablet-based reporting and contract documentation systems

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